Not all knowledge is learned in one school – “A’ Ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka halau ho ‘okahi”

Preserving local fishponds

Short story about a half day adventure @ the Waikalua Loko Fishpond in Kaneohe, Oah’u, Hawai’i.

The Waikalua Loko Fishpond Preservation Society (WLFPS) was founded in June 1995 to manage and implement a preservation plan.

On Saturday April 13th,  my friend Isa and me attended the community work day, where anyone who is interested in learning about the fishpond is welcome to volunteer and help preserving, stabilizing and beautifying the Fishpond.The Waikalua Loko Fishpond helps to educate the Windward community about ancient Hawaiian and modern fishpond practices. It provides an educational resource to be made available for use by educational institutions or community organizations with respect to ancient and modern Hawaiian fishpond practices. Isa and me helped to eliminate invasive plants, together we worked with many other local volunteers. It was a great experience, and for us it was the first time we combined a tourist activity with volunteer work. We traveled2learn, it was very informative, we got to know lots of like minded people, had a wonderful breakfast and lunch provided by the Waikalua Loko Fishpond and enjoyed to see Hawai’i from a different perspective.

We are looking forward to the next adventure to come. Not only adventure, but one with impact for local communities, the environment and culture. We travel2change!

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